A note from Leslie-
Each time I visit the Matain fishing village I am filled with an overwhelming love for the people who live there. The people are so sweet, kind, and hospitable despite the impoverished living conditions. It's always fun to hang out with the women, and now the men are starting to feel more comfortable around us "Outsiders" too.
The recent flood destroyed many of the shacks that people here call 'home'. The weather made it impossible for the men to fish and earn money, leaving most families hungry. Fortunately, friends from my hometown made a donation specifically for food for flood victims here and we were able to provide groceries for 48 families! Another friend, a fellow Rotarian, donated towels so the families had an extra bonus!
The Matain people think it is amazing that people on the other side of the world pray for them and help them in times of calamity! They were so happy and grateful for what they received today and thank God, project Life Subic and their "friends" here and on the other side of the globe!
Here are pictures from today, enjoy! A big THANKS and God bless those that participated!