We collaborate with churches, local government, public agencies and private organizations to bring much needed services to our community. We also invite missions teams and individuals to participate with us.
If you or your organization would like to get involved on a part time or full time basis as a volunteer, please contact us. As we humbly work together , we will see lives radically changed and communities transformed!
“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, then they take themselves out of the slums. “
E. Benson
Project Life is serving the poor of Olongapo City and Subic, Philippines.
Spiritual growth is one focus of Project Life Subic. Bible studies are conducted in five areas of Olongapo and Subic. At this time we have a community group, women's fellowship, men's fellowship, children's ministry and two dynamic youth groups. Applying what they are learning to their daily lives has made a big impact on the families in these communities. Anger, greed and fighting have given way to more love for neighbors, peace and understanding.
Many of the common diseases are preventable through education so our visiting teams and community health workers are teaching weekly classes. They are training local people to share the information accurately and increase the community's knowledge of healthy, hygenic practices. We also invite the local public health, city nutrition, and other government offices to teach on a regular basis. Medical and dental outreaches are organized in the local barangay and jail.
Job training and livelihood
Job training is also essential in this area. We are networking with employers, civic organizations, and City Hall employment personnel to help us train the community residents in job skills and help with job placement and livelihood projects. The Project Life Sewing Training Center is open and providing sewing training to previously unskilled men and women. Many are getting jobs now and growing in ability and self esteem. The Sewing Training Center has also conducted classes in the women's section of our local jail. We hope to give the inmates skills that they can use to seek employment upon their release!
We have an educational sponsorship program to help children attend school called "Jeepney to Education", as well as sponsor some to attend college or vocational training. We know that education is the key to good jobs and a way out of poverty.
Conversational English classes are held twice a week in two locations. These classes are fun and effective!
The Alternative Learning System is held once a week for those youth and adults who have had to drop out of school in the past but now want to get a high school diploma. This is an ongoing Department of Education program, hosted by Project Life Subic.
Special Projects
We have helped the community do a variety of projects including water filters, rain catchment and clean water storage. We have also built toilets in slums where large groups of people have lived with no toilet facilities!
Our latest community project is "Light Strike". We have trained men to install solar lights in the dark, windowless shanties in poor neighborhoods. These lights are made of recycled plastic soda bottles filled with water and bleach and inserted in the tin roofs of shacks. The sunlight enters the top of the bottle on the roof, and refracts the light into the room below. Many families in poor areas live in darkness most of the day and have little or no access to electricity. Some have one lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, but can't afford to pay the electric bill. Studies show higher rates of depression and apathy where there is prolonged lack of light. This simple project has the potential to drastically change many lives!
Other Services and Classes Offered:
Maternal/Infant Education
Leadership development
Celebrate Recovery Support Group