Friday, September 23, 2011


Sonny and the men of 12th St are getting ready to train others how to install solar lights in tin roofs to provide light for the poor. Most shanty and permanent housing in the poor areas are dark during the day because there are no/or few windows for light. Not everyone has electric bulbs or can afford electricity so this simple method will be an affordable way to improve living conditions!
The solar lights are made of plastic soda bottles filled with water and fitted through the tin roofs, then sealed so no leaking occurs. Each bottle refracts light equal to a 55 watt bulb. More on this soon! We will buy the tools needed (cutters, tin snips and sealant) train the men, then they will be installing these around our 12th St area. After that we hope to share this with others in squatter areas of the city.

1 comment:

  1. Well, duhhhhhh! Can't believe I just found your blog. Soda-bottle-water light bulb? Talk about a bright idea. :) And, I can't wait to hear about your new digs.
