Friday, December 7, 2012

Worms! - NOT your garden variety!

One of the biggest threats to the health of children in undeveloped countries is parasites! The Ascaris worm is very prevalent here in the Philippines, and cause a variety of health problems and even death. These worms not only live in intestines, but can travel by blood vessels to the lungs and other organs. The female will grow to 6-13". The worm can cause malnutrition, lung problems, (increases risk of asthma) appendicitis, and intestinal blockages. It has caused many a misdiagnosis as it may look like "pneumonia" on an x-ray.
Our children in the slums are at a 50% + risk of parasites due to poor hygiene and lack of clean water and proper sanitation. It's easy to spot those severely infected- some have chronic cough, runny eyes, and slightly distended abdomens.
Project Life Subic just completed two deworming clinics this week. The Rotary Club donated the medicine, and Val Smith Orr, R.N. ("Captain Bulate!") and her assistant Evelyn taught the children and parents about the prevention and treatment of worms. Val brought her worm samples that fascinated the audience and was a real eye-opener!
Our hope is to help these children be restored to health. "...I was sick and you looked after me..." Matt 25:36
Here are some pictures of the clinics. Scroll down to see one of the worms!

"Captain Bulate" (Val) adding the drama to the teaching!

This little boy had an amazing discovery after he went to the toilet and he was proud to show it off! Look closely, the worm is still pink and alive.

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