Friday, September 27, 2013

Our Youth Groups- Once reached out to, now reaching out to others!

The youth were busy this last month! They participated in the International Coastal Clean Up Day on the Subic Bay Freeport Zone and also accompanied Leslie to speak at Brent International School's Chapel services.
Prior to the Coastal Clean up, the youth gathered to learn about the effect of trash on the environment. They realized their responsibility to be good stewards of the earth and protect the beauty of the creation. They are just beginning to see the negative effect of throwing trash on the ground and drainage canals. Not only the impact on wildlife, but the flooding that happens when the drains and sewers are filled with thousands of plastic bags.
The youth enjoyed joining the event and being part of a solution to a big problem in their community.

 At the Brent International School Chapel services, Leslie spoke about poverty and ways to make a difference in the lives of the poor. She challenged the students to step out of their comfort zone and reach out to the poor with love and mercy. The Youth Group performed skits and were well received! They were invited to return next semester.
 It is amazing to see the growth and changes in the lives of these teens. They are now strong in faith, integrity, and are equipped and willing to reach out to others!

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